"Rabbit Trap," which premiered Friday at the Sundance Film Festival, explores Welsh mythology so slowly that it fails to ...
In Steven Soderbergh's supernatural thriller Presence, a family finds they aren't alone in their new house. It's a ghost ...
With the arrival of every New Year, I’m the kind of person who starts mapping out what he’s looking forward to in the ...
The Toxic Avenger, the reboot of the 1980s comedy-horror starring Peter Dinklage, has finally landed a release in the US. The ...
The blowout success of 1999’s The Blair Witch Project really did a number on the horror genre. It wasn’t the first faux-found ...
If you grew up reading horror or have seen the trailer for Longlegs director Osgood Perkins' new movie The Monkey, you'll ...
"Now, there's tension, and I'm getting side-eye from people at lunch," the original poster wrote in their Reddit post.
Director Richard Stanley and Nicolas Cage's film Color Out of Space premiered five years ago, and it remains an underrated ...
Coralie Fargeat and Demi Moore’s horror thriller "The Substance" scored big with Oscar nomination voters, but is the genre ...
Clay McLeod Chapman kept hearing friends say, of their Fox News-watching parents, “It’s like they were possessed.” That’s ...
Three nods for The Substance are a step in the right direction, but a genre that's delivered some of film’s most memorable performances deserves more recognition.