Farmer herds 1,400 sheep through a small Australian town in mesmerising drone footage Incredible sight of 1400 sheep being herded through the town of Bealiba, Victoria, in Australia.
"Amazingly, the cows were very respectful, not making a single 'moo' or sound until the ceremony was over," the wedding photographer explained on Instagram Brittany Niehaus Photography A herd of ...
Superstars are not wanted in Jamie Leslie’s 90-cow Angus suckler herd at Scholland Farm on Shetland. Breeding is kept simple with “nothing too fancy”, but a strong focus on fertility because ...
Given his Irish descent, one could be forgiven for thinking it was all luck that Brian Corr was able to buy his own dairy farm, share farm another and build up to a 900 cow milking herd in the space ...
A curious sight on a pasture in the UK: a deer mingled with a herd of cows - but the forest dweller's camouflage wasn't the ...