The Serta Ainsley Queen Size Convertible Sofa Bed is the ultimate ... It is also easy to assemble, despite first impressions.
The best sleeper sofas have many hidden talents ... whether in sofa or bed form. The couch conceals a 5.5-inch queen-size mattress topped with memory foam for sleepers who want to feel supported ...
from loveseats or chairs-and-a-half that convert into twin-sized beds and full-sized sofas that contain queen- or king-sized mattresses. Like buying a sofa, your best bet is to measure your space ...
“It’s queen size with a memory foam mattress and is ... of your garage for a guest staying the night. Today, the best sofa beds come in all shapes and styles to ensure both a comfortable ...
The issue is that not everyone has the floor space to install a full-sized version that pings open to a double bed size ... One of IKEA’s best-selling designs, the Kivik sofa chair flops ...