Super Bowl halftime shows through the years Is It Better to Sit on the Left or Right Side of the Plane? Frequent Fliers Weigh ...
A bearcat (aka binturong). The black-furred creatures, whose name means "bear-like cat" in Malay, live in forests in Southeast Asia. They also smell like popcorn. “Would you like to smell it?” ...
Welcome to Monching Monday! Today's featured moncher is a binturong named Bupanda, an adorable "bearcat" who seems absolutely delighted to be crunching away on a delicious kibble-and-greens feast. - Presenter Irfan Hakim mengabarkan ke publik terkait binturong peliharaannya yang baru saja melahirkan dua anak. Salah satu anaknya terlahir dalam kondisi tak biasa yakni bermata satu dan ... - Peristiwa aneh datang dari aktor, yakni Irfan Hakim selepas ia mengumumkan kelahiran bayi binturong peliharaan itu. Irfan Hakim pun tak lepas menjadi sorotan, pasalnya dalam foto yang ...
Newly founded conservation charity, Drusillas Conservation in Action, and Sussex-based organisation The Civet Project Foundation have announced a new partnership, committed to reversing the threats of ...