With cool-season vegetable crops going into the ground, many gardeners who ventured into cover cropping last autumn may ask a familiar question: What do I do now? Their crops have fulfilled their ...
Fall is actually the perfect time to think ahead and plant cover crops that will set the stage for a flourishing garden next spring ... the soil and allowing water and nutrients to move more ...
Nitrate, pesticides, metals and plastic agricultural soils often contain pollutants. But are there sustainable and ...
Cover crops are proven to increase available nutrients, water and organic matter and reduce soil erosion over the winter months, providing a great start for the next season’s crop. With time ...
Crops with allelopathic properties may suppress subsequent crop growth. Cover crops may be sown to protect soil from ... in part because crops generally have larger seeds. Water use by the mulch crop ...
In a 2015 strip trial on a central Illinois farm, three cover crop mixtures were planted behind a wheat crop, next to the grower’s normal double-crop soybeans. In 2016, corn planted behind the ...
Liz Stahl, extension educator of crops from University of Minnesota Extension in Worthington explains things producers need to remember when adding cover crops and herbicides together on an operation.
Soil fertility can be further improved by incorporating cover crops that add organic matter to ... and by minimizing losses through leaching below the crop rooting zone by improved water and nutrient ...