Director James Ashcroft and puppeteer Paul Lewis take IndieWire inside the demented delivery room for a new film distributed ...
We lost visionary filmmaker David Lynch this year, but his memory lives on with his classic movies — stream 'Mulholland Drive ...
The Salt Lake Film Society will pay tribute in April to the work of the late-filmmaker David Lynch. Context: The visionary ...
The Log Lady was a beloved part of “Twin Peaks.” But Catherine Coulson was much more than that. She was a fan favorite who ...
Movie actor Kyle MacLachlan, who has featured in the likes of Twin Peaks, Showgirls and Desperate Housewives, has shared his ...
The Twilight Zone and the works of David Lynch might not be identical twins, but they could certainly be long-lost siblings.
Dune comic brought Lynch’s vision to the page — but does it still capture the epic saga, or is it as divisive as the film?
Over the past decade, prolific director Steven Soderbergh (“Out of Sight,” “Erin Brockovich”) has increasingly turned to ...
Each weekend in April, the Salt Lake Film Society will air screenings of some of David Lynch's most iconic films.