In living organisms, protein molecules with different chemical structures called proteoforms ... fractionation of trace biological samples and large-scale proteoform analysis by LC-MS and is ...
Scientists at the Institute of Organic Chemistry, University of Vienna, have unveiled an innovative approach for synthesizing ...
Although RNA is a single-stranded molecule, researchers soon discovered that it can form double-stranded structures ... to be able to manufacture the large number of ribosomes required by a ...
Chemical and structural methods will go hand in hand into the future of macromolecular structural biology on all levels. Determining structures of large molecular assemblies by methods including ...
A team from Jiuhua Laboratory in China has developed a novel "Electronic Structure-Infused Network (ESIN)" model that ...
DNA is a super flexible and modular structure, meaning that with the right sequences ... The shorter strands provided instructions for the large molecule to twist and fold, forcing it to hold a ...
Because of their very large molecular weight (~ 10 6 ... As deformation continues, necking occurs in one region and the molecular structure starts to have the symmetry of a crystalline material. The ...
The alkanes are a homologous series with a structure based on a carbon chain ... Polymers close polymerA large molecule formed from many identical smaller molecules known as monomers.
The alkanes are a homologous series with a structure based on a carbon chain ... Polymers close polymerA large molecule formed from many identical smaller molecules known as monomers.
But James Watson and Francis Crick's claim was a valid one, for they had in fact discovered the structure of DNA, the chemical that encodes instructions for building and replicating almost all ...