“We are making plans to embark on major renovations of Memorial Stadium that may impact our seating capacity for the 2027 season,” Nebraska Athletic Director Troy Dannen said in a statement.
The stated reason Nebraska gave for calling off its long-scheduled football series with Tennessee had to do with upcoming renovations to Memorial Stadium that will reduce its seating capacity.
The Nebraska-Tennessee home-and-home ... "We are making plans to embark on major renovations of Memorial Stadium that may impact our seating capacity for the 2027 season," Dannen said.
2027 SEASON WILL MARK THE FIRST TIME NEBRASKA HAS PLAYED EIGHT ... plans to embark on major renovations of Memorial Stadium that may impact our seating capacity for the 2027 season," Nebraska ...
Nebraska athletic director Troy Dannen has canceled nonconference games against Tennessee in 2026 and 2027 as part of a plan ...
Nebraska and Tennessee will not play ... “We are making plans to embark on major renovations of Memorial Stadium that may impact our seating capacity for the 2027 season,” Dannen said in ...