(NEXSTAR) – The cut of beef known as the strip steak goes by a number of different names, including the ambassador steak, the club steak, or sometimes the Kansas City steak, to name a few.
Gene, manager of Sparks Steak House, said he hadn’t heard about Patrick’s proposal, but that the legendary dining spot calls their New York strip the “prime sirloin steak” anyway.
New York prime sirloin” on their menu. “I guess the lieutenant governor is looking for some P.R., but a New York steak is a New York steak,” Greg Sherry said. Mr. Sinanaj, who was raised in ...
Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick says his state will rename the "New York strip" steak the "Texas strip" in a bid to "better market Texas beef." ...
We break down the leanest cuts of steak (and the fattiest), so you can make informed decisions and choose the healthiest cut for you. Rich, tender steak such as filet mignon, New York strip, or ...
to find which steak is best in town. Erin: So, there's amazing steakhouses all over the world, but New York City has the best steakhouses because they've been perfecting the craft for centuries.