Since gram-positive organisms that are susceptible to penicillin are infrequent as ... On the other hand, streptomycin should prove more useful in the therapy ...
The mass manufacture of penicillin during World War II stimulated urgent interest ... Seen here in Waksman's notes are his April 1943 experiments with nutrient formulas for growing ...
I was told never to take penicillin again. I’m allergic to many antibiotics, which makes treating me (an elderly person) very challenging. Now my doctor feels that I should be able to take ...
Selman Waksman is credited with organizing the research program on soil bacteria at Rutgers University in New Jersey that led to the identification of the groundbreaking antibiotic streptomycin ...
Fleming presented his findings in 1929, but they raised little interest. He published a report on penicillin and its potential uses in the British Journal of Experimental Pathology. Fleming worked ...
The formulations for which ceiling prices have been revised include Benzyl Penicillin IU injection and Atropine injection ...