In view of the swelling of the spinal cord that is so prominent a feature of poliomyelitis, the danger of cerebral edema (particularly in young children with infections of the nervous system ...
Furthermore, the seat of infantile paralysis is in the spinal cord, whereas the seat of polio-encephalitis is in the brain. Very few of the polio-encephalitis victims died. Some were only mildly ...
Recent human trials of a new one-year-long immune-based treatment for post-polio syndrome, which can strike polio survivors ...
Polio rarely causes paralysis in infants ... the virus penetrates the central nervous system and attacks the neurons of the spinal cord and lower brain. Muscle weakness and varying degrees ...
Multiple sclerosis (MS) causes a specific type of damage, called demyelination, to the central nervous system, including the spinal cord. MS is a neurological disease. It causes the immune system ...
It can affect the muscles that help people breathe and sometimes cause meningitis, an infection of the spinal cord and/or the brain.[1]#1 "Polio was a disease that parents feared so much that they ...
The three major types of polio include spinal polio, a paralytic polio that attacks nerve cells in the spinal cord; bulbar polio, in which the virus attacks motor neurons in the brainstem ...