In a 10-minute film from 1945, future-President Ronald Reagan tried to ... This Man” without concluding that Reagan, 30 years before “the Reagan Revolution,” was adding an intentional ...
Journalists and Filipino American activists reflect on the revolt they helped shape, both in the Philippines and the Bay Area ...
What would Ronald Reagan have to say about Donald Trump? You hear it a lot, but it's especially true if Russia is involved.
From Barry Goldwater in 1964, to Ronald Reagan in 1980, through the congressional Republican Revolution of 1994, the Tea Party movement of 2010, and to this day: Most Republicans throughout the ...
When I was 7, I sent a birthday card to President Ronald Reagan ... around me were loudly on board with what was then the Reagan revolution, which had swept Jimmy Carter and his timid liberal ...
Former President Ronald Reagan visited East Tennessee numerous times, from stumping to opening the World's Fair to lunch at Farragut High School.
Republicans once had a much different way of thinking about tariffs, as Ronald Reagan once explained. If only Donald Trump had listened to him.