This summer, some Muni riders in San Francisco may need to change how they get around downtown. The San Francisco Municipal ...
One of the major streetcars serving downtown San Francisco will be replaced by bus shuttles Sunday, the city's transit agency ...
The Board of Supervisors unanimously agreed Tuesday to ask Governor Gavin Newsom for two billion dollars in flexible funding ...
For “Transit Operator Day,” driver Mc Allen is encouraging as many people as humanly possible to ride Muni. His goal is to ...
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation ... as many commuters tend to stop using Muni when required to take multiple buses. “If we were to cut service, it makes the job harder because the ...
SF Muni Transit Operator Mc Allen waives at another SF Muni bus as he drives the inbound 44 O’Shaughnessy in San Francisco on March 13 ... when one-time state and federal funding related to the ...
A large portion of San Francisco Municipal ... direct passengers to buses at stations impacted by the closure. SFMTA will run a T bus between stations to fill in the gap. Muni will also reroute ...