The best Sony ericsson and overall cellphone ive ever owned. if your familiar with the sony Ericsson UI then this phone will sureley please.... I love this phone (copper color). Got this when i ...
It's not huge, just not as pleasantly pocket-friendly as the K750 / W800 / W810: Since the K800 is a 3G phone for Europe and Asia, and Sony Ericsson isn't doing 3G phones for the U.S. just yet ...
More Videos Like This: <a href=" Showing off the illumination and some of the other features of the Logitech K800 Wireless ...
Review Posted! <a href=" Unboxing and giving a brief overview of the Logitech K800 Wireless Illuminated Keyboard, more information on <a href=" See it in action! <a href=" "Like" us on Facebook! <a ...