Central to the approach of making the matchday experience at Tottenham something that will not soon be forgotten is the ...
Most readers of Spurs Odyssey are of course Spurs fans. To many of those readers I suspect the name John Sainty does not ring any bells. Those of a certain age, like me, and those who remember the ...
Spurs Odyssey was today represented at the service held at St. Mary's Cemetery, Dover to dedicate the headstone placed at the grave of John Ripsher, the very first President of Tottenham Hotspur ...
It may seem strange to younger readers, but there was a time when European football did NOT dominate the football calendar. Dates of matches were not pre-arranged and clubs were left to make their own ...
Listed below is an index to Spurs Odyssey exclusive match reports for the 2012-2013 season. Click on the match name for an eye-witness match report where available. Spurs Odyssey has been advised that ...