The night before a jump is like the night before the battle. You wait. You wonder. You get ready. And you know, when you go ...
A video captured an Army jumpmaster acting as the flight ‘safety’ grabbing a soldier whose static line had wrapped around his ...
Unsung hero Charles Agate taught PE in a Surrey school before choosing to sign up for the RAF , even though he was in a 'protected' profession.
Actually, only one year in the Navy, then I transferred to the Army ’cause ... Basic course and Jump School at Fort Benning, Ga. before being assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort ...
Operation Potok became one of the most high-profile events in tactical terms, marking the rapid breakthrough of the assault ...
Patrick Dugan has been branded the “tough-on-crime” candidate, and is straight from central casting. But those close to him ...
Last year just a few weeks from the 80th anniversary of the event, he was honored by becoming an honorary paratrooper in the 101st Airborne ... from Academy School and Brattleboro High School. Hewas ...
A new wave of techno-optimist patriotism and rising geopolitical tensions are driving more venture capital investing to ...
Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences ... to transfer momentum and initiate the jump." To go airborne, the robot uses what's called latch-mediated spring actuation, in which potential ...