The Revd Dr Charlie Bell (Southwark ... I will choose not to use it.” Dr Simon Eyre (Chichester) also opposed it: “Everyone on a CNC is equal and has an equal vote.” The Bishop of Dover, the Rt Revd ...
Even cases of suicide among German soldiers were reported by the Anglican Bishop Bell of Chichester after his return from Sweden last August; they felt so overwhelmed and humiliated by the hatred ...
Religion, Rebellion & Reformation, curated by Canon Treasurer, the Reverend Canon Vanessa Baron, runs in the Cathedral until ...
A University of Chichester academic is set to speak about British society and how it has changed over the past 100 years, in his Inaugural lecture as Professor of Modern History. The title of the ...
Le'Veon Bell, a former NFL player, faces a $25 million verdict after his cousin, Jada Bell, accused him of nearly a decade of sexual abuse starting from her childhood. Bell defaulted on the ...
ANU vice chancellor Professor Genevieve Bell was grilled by the education committee chairman, Labor senator Tony Sheldon, over whether Bishop had declared any conflict of interest in awarding ...
A cousin of Le'Veon Bell has been awarded $25 million after she claimed the former NFL star sexually assaulted her for about a decade, beginning when she was a child. In a March 2024 lawsuit filed ...
Film graduates have won a national award for their short film. The University of Chichester alumni won the top prize for best design in the Nahemi Student Film Awards 2024 for their ...
A former bishop has been jailed for more than four years for historical child abuse. Anthony Pierce, the former bishop of Swansea and Brecon, was sentenced at Swansea Crown Court after pleading ...