As the dream of home ownership slips further out of reach, new research analyzing two decades of housing trends in Melbourne ...
Landlords’ large-scale sell-off of rental properties made unprofitable by rent regulation and tax changes is starting to ...
BATH, Maine — Rent for downtown retail space is rising in downtown Bath, and some business owners say the increases are ...
Vacation homes and Airbnb have the most severe seasonal fluctuations among short-term rental properties. Florida tourist ...
Hertz and Avis stocks are having a rough year, but they unexpectedly hit the gas following the new levy on vehicle imports.
Residents of mobile-home parks have seen costs rise as investors buy up properties. Lawmakers in several states are looking to add more guardrails.
OLYMPIA, Wash. — Taxes proposed by Senate and House Democrats include targeting the state’s wealthiest investors and largest ...
The bill, which would ban using the algorithms critics and investigators have said were used to raise apartment rents in ...
While several housing agencies have expressed interest in keeping the building affordable for the area, it's unclear what ...
Place a group of bored race-car drivers inside a racetrack with nothing to do during a rain delay, with few people around to ...
The New York Apartment Association claims that RGB is “heavily skewing the numbers,” making it unrepresentative of the true reality of landlords.
The former governor’s mayoral bid has forced him to answer for a law that destroyed some owners of rent-stabilized buildings ...