But inside were dozens of turtles wrapped in socks to keep them from moving and alerting authorities. They were among around 2,100 turtles federal authorities say Sai Keung Tin, a Chinese citizen ...
Turtle hospitals and aquariums across the country are caring for sea turtles that stranded on beaches during the winter season, which is now coming to a close amid an uptick in strandings along ...
Seizures of large consignments of live turtles in northwest Bali in January have raised concerns among conservationists that trade in the protected species may remain pervasive despite recent ...
A rare turtle has been left stranded in Wales after executive orders signed by Donald Trump stopped it going back home to the US. The Kemp's ridley sea turtle, Rhossi, washed up on Anglesey at the ...
SINGAPORE – Sometimes, it pays to be slow. A reptile – which was labelled a tortoise in a social media post but which many netizens say is in fact a terrapin – that was trying to cross the ...
SACRAMENTO — A California couple pleaded guilty after exposing a series of wildlife crimes, including illegally smuggling the skull of an endangered sea turtle, to state Fish and Wildlife ...
It was my life.” At one point, he even had to hunt a turtle – not for its meat but for its blood since he didn’t have anything else to drink. Not long after that, a hopeful sign finally arrived.
And hanging on its foot was a snapping turtle.” Pearson tells the pelican story to make a point about London and any discussion about the city becoming better. A pelican can’t fly when it’s ...
The passengers also showed the officers the skull of an endangered sea turtle they were smuggling in a carry-on bag during the flight. By Alexandra E. Petri On a flight to Sacramento in November ...
In the video, the divers are seen disturbing the turtle in what is believed to be the waters around Manukan island, Sabah. The Sabah tourism, culture and environment ministry is taking a firm ...
And though their nesting grounds are protected and many commercial fishing fleets now use turtle excluder devices in their nets, these turtles have not been able to rebound. For this reason ...