The Umbrella Academy: Plan B picks up after the events of Volume 3’s Hotel Oblivion arc from 2019. In that volume, we got a rather soft introduction to the mysterious Sparrow Academy.
Dark Horse officially announced The Umbrella Academy: Plan B, a new work picking up directly after the events of Hotel Oblivion. Way and Bá co-wrote the new story, with Bá providing artwork.
The Umbrella Academy: Plan B will pick up where the previous volume, “Hotel Oblivion,” left off in 2019. That series ended with the introduction of another superhero team called The Sparrows.
Per the description for “The Umbrella Academy: Plan B,” “After the mass release of The City’s greatest foes and the chaos that followed in Hotel Oblivion, the Umbrella Academy faces their ...
Bá shared, "We were in the middle of making Hotel Oblivion when the whole Netflix thing started, which injected us with a new boost of energy to keep on telling our story, given the huge interest ...