The Company is in the business of production and processing of Agriculture Hybrid Seeds. The Company supplies seeds of grains and vegetables. Its products include Wheat, Maize, Bajra, Jowar ...
The new maize seed facility will triple its existing capacity in the country in 2025. It will generate 80 permanent and 100 ...
These seeds are known as the “chips of agriculture,” it was explained Citing sources in the eastern city of Qingdao, China's news service Xinhua reported Monday that 20 kilograms of corn seeds ...
The African maize stem borer, Busseola fusca, is one of the most important pests of maize in Africa. Cry1Ab maize was planted ...
Bombay Super Hybrid Seeds Limited was originally incorporated as Jadavjibhai Devrajbhai Patel a partnership firm formed on April 01 2000. The name of Partnership Firm was changed to Patel Jadavjibhai ...
The coming weeks will see large acreages of land throughout the UK planted out in forage maize, writes Richard Halleron.