Fisheries observers hold a job little known by the general public but essential to the health of the oceans: monitoring the ...
When fishers on Lake Chilwa cast their nets, they don’t know whether there are fish below, or something else entirely. “We ...
The thriller-comedy marks the directorial debut of Morihito Inoue, two-time winner of the National Independent Kaiju Film ...
EXCLUSIVE: Remow is set to release Shogun’s Ninja, From Power Rangers and Kamen Rider director Koichi Sakamoto, on March 28 ...
Skretting Japan's Imari Plant becomes the country's first ASC-certified feed mill, promoting sustainable farming in the ...
Now, we need to push exports globally, diversify markets to hedge risks and strengthen initiatives to ensure the sustainable ...
Spokeo explains how catfishing + phishing leads to catphishing, which happens when the grift goes from messing with your ...
After 2024 set a new record for tourist numbers in Japan, Rob Goss recommends switching out the biggest draws for these ...
Fishing for shinko, which are baby ikanago sand eels, began in the Harima-nada Sea in Hyogo Prefecture on March 12. Shinko, about 6 centimeters in len・・・ ...