Steen Heidemann’s collection will be installed as a semi-permanent exhibition in the Toledo Cathedral in Spain.
Visiting the National Gallery of Art in Washington during Lent is always an enriching experience, but a recently acquired ...
The transfiguration prepares us for the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord. St. Luke’s telling of the event draws us into the mystery of divine love, a love that embraces human suffering and ...
A hundred years after the birth of Flannery O’Connor, her South, as well as the rest of America, is less “Christ-haunted,” as ...
According to Vatican News, the new state-of-the-art lighting will ensure more intense and well-distributed light that “will further enhance the dome.” ...
The Rich man and Lazarus, by Eugène Burnand, 1899, Pencil and graphite on paper © Musée Eugène Burnand, Moudon. Source: ...
Pews were packed at an Ash Wednesday mass led by Miami’s Archbishop Thomas Wenski at Broward’s oldest Catholic Church earlier ...
Pope St. John Paul II could well be called the "apostle of life." He spent his entire pontificate boldly proclaiming the ...
THE MOSAIC CHURCH is a documentary streaming on Angel Studios. In the region of Megiddo, Israel, a team of archaeologists ...