The Mercosur, Mercado Común del Sur (Common Market of the South) is an ambitious economic integration project which includes the founding members Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.
As Uruguay prepares to hand over Mercosur’s pro tempore presidency to Argentina, this summit could define the bloc’s path forward amid global trade uncertainties Montevideo will host the XLV ...
France is standing alongside disaffected farmers and other agricultural groups to block the EU-Mercosur trade deal with four South American countries from taking effect, French President Emmanuel ...
The Southern Common Market - Mercosur - and the EU have agreed to trade goods applying reduced or no tariffs. If ratified, this will create a market of some 800 million people, making it one of ...
Likewise, a potential trade war with the US strengthens the case for finalising the long-negotiated EU-Mercosur agreement. Hansen explained that some European agricultural products - such as ...
The trade relations between the EU and Mercosur are essential for both blocs, given that the EU is the second trading partner for Mercosur and Mercosur the eleventh trading partner for the EU. An ...