The Xenoblade franchise has released multiple incredible adventures, but one of the best of the series has been stuck on ...
That said, what if it could be even better..? Gosh, wouldn't that be something. The thing is, modder MasaGratoR has ...
Friday, March 21 is going to be an exciting day for Bleach fans, as that's when the new game Bleach: Rebirth of Souls hits ...
If you can believe it, we are a little over two weeks out from the Nintendo Switch 2 Direct. While we're all ready and ...
The Monday letters page has a go at predicting Nintendo Switch 2 reveal games, as one reader explores the difficulty of ...
Resident Evil 4 has undergone a number of permutations over the years, leaving many curious about which version offers the ...
The VGChartz sales comparison series of articles are updated monthly and each one focuses on a different sales [...] ...
Although they may have been wildly successful, these overrated video game consoles haven't necessarily stood the test of time ...
From modding PS4 games, using cheat engines, dev modes on PS4, and even running Linux, Cemu and Wii all on the PS4! That's right, you can even run Wii U games on a jailbroken PS4, and I'm going to ...
The VGChartz sales comparison series of articles are updated monthly and each one focuses on a different sales [...] ...
PlayStation Plus is giving you some heavy hitters to spend your time on this first weekend in March. These are the best new games to play.
This is a remastered version of the 2010 game that was originally released for the Nintendo Wii, and it introduced a power-up system through the alien Wisp creatures that made gameplay very exciting.