Poets Safia Elhillo, Jamila Woods and members of the Stanford Spoken Word Collective shared poems both personal and political ...
Don't just say "I like you" or "I love you"—make your love confession to that special someone in a more romantic way, with an unforgettable poem.
The California writer recently published a book about intergenerational exchange. In this interview with EL PAÍS, she points ...
Is love still possible? Have we waited too long? I say “we” because the language of the poem is so vivid and immediate ... but also the poet’s care, her unspoken but unmistakable tenderness ...
Carl Phillips’s latest collection, Scattered Snows, To The North (Carcanet), is rich in his by-now familiar long, ...
If you've been googling "how to surprise boyfriend long distance," look no further than these 10 suggestions for letting your ...
The 2025 Jhalak Prize longlist has been announced, and this year the list includes a new award for poetry. Now in its ninth ...
Closely observed and exquisitely arranged, the LP is largely about falling in love — and lust — with ... Cohen,” which ponders the “horny poetry” Cohen wrote while undergoing “an ...
But I actually value the fact that poets are freaks and that all we do is mess around with words because that gets to my love of the art of poetry for ... creature that I care about any good.
In the midst of turbulent times, it can be hard not to fixate on the troubles of the present moment. Here's how hope can ...