While a visual appraisal to gauge hay quality can be informative, extension experts stress that there’s only one way to truly know the quality of hay — getting an accurate test. “Hay that looks ...
At the ripe old age of 91, Peter Whitford has seen a lot of change in the dairy farming game. He’s been milking cows since ...
Ohio State Extension educator Emily Hornberger provides valuable insights into testing grazing pastures and other forages, ...
Cattle graze selectively ... it can still be an economical feed. Hauling manure back to the harvested fields will displace some fertilizer costs associated with cornstalk removal. Generally, ...
Many of our fellow Americans are in need throughout the yearBy Pat and Don Glasgow Playing Santa Claus and Mrs. Santa is a ...
By planning for winter weather, ranchers can avoid being caught off-guard by extreme events and can manage the typical winter conditions so that cattle ... use of bale rings in calving and nursery ...
The coming weeks will see large acreages of land throughout the UK planted out in forage maize, writes Richard Halleron.
This morning’s Fed Cattle Exchange online auction showed no bids/sales on the 1,258 head offered. Feeder cattle futures rallied into the close on Thursday, up $1.50 to$1.70 in the nearbys.
State hay market summaries for the week ending March 22, from the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Market News Service.
Ground and delivered locally to feed lots and dairies, $150-$160. Bluestem grass, large rounds CRP, $75/bale. For the week ending March 22, it was reported 4,117.5 tons of grinding alfalfa and no ...
In the face of worsening drought conditions and the drying of the River Daua, communities in Mandera County are turning to ...