A taqueria in San Francisco's North Beach is offering free lunch for a month to anyone who provides tips leading to the ...
ASU Police Department combines innovation, education and community engagement to enhance campus safety and students' college ...
The city of Dallas released a list Friday of finalists vying to become the 31st chief of the Dallas Police Department ...
Five law enforcement executives have been selected as finalists for the Dallas Police Department chief of police position ...
Taqueria Zorro, a Mexican restaurant in San Francisco's North Beach, was burglarized early Tuesday morning by what the owner ...
Jose Guevara-Espinoza was convicted Tuesday of carjacking and robbery, the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office said in a ...
A jury in San Francisco has convicted a Lyft driver of driving under the influence following an incident in the city's Mission District last year, prosecutors said.
However, amidst these figures, the compensation of San Francisco's police officers stands out, not just for its competitiveness, but for its potential to surpass many high-profile professions.
Oceanside's Police and Fire Commission recommended the city accept a grant for a 13-month trial of first responder drones, ...