A new study has revealed that xposure to fluoride during the foetal stage or early childhood is not good for kids. High concentrations of fluoride can occur in well water and in some countries, it ...
In 2024, the top five highest-priced sales of African art were all by women, according to research, reflecting increased recognition and demand for their work.
Of all the savage figures to emerge from Nazi Germany, one of the most infamous is Irma Grese. Labeled “the most notorious of the female Nazi war criminals” by the Jewish Virtual Library, the ...
The 31-year-old junior doctor was raped-killed at the state-run hospital in Kolkata on August 9 last year, triggering national outrage.
It was July 2022 when 27-year-old Khalid Mehdiyev, a self-proclaimed member of the Russian mob, set off on a mission to assassinate Iranian-American journalist and activist Masih Alinejad ...
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A home insurance policy covers damage from earthquakes, fires, explosions, floods, landslides, cyclones, storms, aircraft damage, and acts of terrorism ...