A midyear budget adjustment that will keep the state’s senior meal program afloat was sent Wednesday to Gov. Mike Kehoe.
Serving Seniors has been distributing free frozen meals to seniors ages 60 and older in Rancho Bernardo for a year.
More than 12 million children could lose access to federally subsidized free school meals if Congress changes program ...
At a time when the Serving Seniors meal service is more vital to San Diego's older adults than ever, it is at risk due to the ...
It was a surprise ceremony at the White House presided over by President Donald Trump to unveil a $100 billion investment ...
Here is the menu for March at the Libby Senior Center. Staff is asking those that want to reserve a meal call the center 24 hours in advance. The number is 293-7222. Meals are available in house, home ...
The event aims to bring attention to the service, which provides over 500 meals each weekday to homebound seniors in Utah, ...
Check out the diverse and delicious menu options at the Cape Girardeau/Scott City and Jackson senior centers for Monday, ...
Fraser Health launched a new program to provide affordable hot meals for seniors. The new seniors’ meals are served Monday to Friday from 4-6pm at the Burnaby Hospital cafeteria and ...
Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP): Volunteers ages 55 and older are needed to use their life skills to help ...
The Ramona Senior Center at 434 Aqua Lane is open for in-person dining from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
The Bellows Falls Area Senior Center at 18 Tuttle St. serves lunch every week day from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. There is a suggested donation of ...