Antibiotic alternatives are needed for controlling diseases that cause high mortality. A vaccine discovery for Clostridial dermatitis in turkeys could lead to developing improved prophylactic ...
Amezosvatein has shown excellent immunogenicity and improved tolerability in Phase 2 study -- Medicxi leads round, joined by new investors ...
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is initiating expanded research into understanding autism and its potential links with vaccines, a source familiar with the CDC’s planning said.
The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention is reportedly planning to examine the links between autism and vaccines. Two sources familiar with the matter confirmed the news to Reuters, despite ...
Decades of scientific evidence haven’t found a link between autism and vaccines, but that doesn’t appear to stop the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from reportedly planning to ...
The U.S. CDC plans to embark on a large study into potential connections between vaccines and autism, despite extensive scientific research that has disproven or failed to find evidence of such ...
Through the Vaccine Safety Datalink, the CDC collaborates with 13 healthcare organizations across the US, including 11 that provide electronic health record data and two that provide expertise.A ...
The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has reminded parents about the importance of the HPV vaccine. The HPV vaccine protects against human papillomavirus (HPV), a common virus that can cause cancer.
These peptides (T-cell epitopes) are more diverse than originally thought. Vaccine design must take into account both chemical modifications to antigens and heterogeneous length of these important ...
Millions of eligible teenagers are missing out on a vaccine that helps to ward off a number of different cancers, official figures show. The leading gynaecological cancer charity, The Eve Appeal ...