Dame Jacinda Ardern’s Government “veered too far away” from the “basic expectations of people living in a modern democratic ...
After 184 years, Te Tiriti o Waitangi could be on its way home for good - although is not yet known when that will exactly be. Speaking to RNZ, Waitangi National Trust Board chair and Ngati Hine ...
This year’s Waitangi Day celebrations in Aotearoa/New Zealand were held during a period of strained race relations between Māori and the Crown, reports Zara Lomas. A controversial and divisive bill ...
Far North iwi Ngāti Hine will be celebrating its cultural identity, history and the road ahead at a massive festival this ...
The alleged abuse of a 77-year-old kaumātua at a Corrections facility highlights the failure of the prison system to uphold ...
The ACT Party claims revisiting the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi is about political equality. But removing a Māori cultural dimension to New Zealand’s democracy would have an opposite ...
An examination of self and cultural positioning within Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Students will be able to create meaning and make sense of their personal journey as Tangata Whenua or Tangata Tiriti, their ...
Children placed in state care from 1950 to 1999 have had significantly shorter average life expectancies than the wider population, this new analysis shows.
There is a legal principle of “misunderstanding”. If two parties completely misunderstand each other, then there is no “meeting of the minds” ( consensus ad idem ), which is essential for a valid ...
demonstrating authentic leadership in contemporary Aotearoa New Zealand as we uphold te Tiriti o Waitangi, the founding document of our nation, and its principles through our practice. We embrace this ...