Since the United States has been in the news a lot more lately, it makes a lot of sense that people are talking about us and feeling very confused about a few things. So when Reddit user ...
A total of 200 people, including 80 children, arrived in Costa Rica on two deportation flights from the United States in February and are being held in a migration “reception facility” near ...
Kendi says Malcolm would have been uncomfortably familiar with rising Islamophobia in the US, the surge ... I had grown up thinking that the problem was Black people, only to realize that those ...
Trump." In the USA people have the freedom to speak about the President, and any other politician, in any way they wish. They also have the freedom to make up their own mind about politicians.
This approach denies people the chance to seek safety, forces individuals into arbitrary detention, returns them to dangerous situations, separates families, dismantles communities, promotes racial ...
Learn more about the languages spoken in the United States. People in the U.S. also speak Native North American languages such as Navajo, Yupik, Dakota, Apache, Keres, and Cherokee, among others.