Buried in the latest batch of released files on the assassination JFK were fresh details about what one of the infamous ...
After Bob Woodward’s reporting helped uncover the Watergate scandal, Congress added checks on the presidency. Now President Donald Trump is testing those limits. What does Woodward think of this?
Woodward, who shared a Pulitzer Prize with Carl Bernstein for the Washington Post’s coverage of the Watergate scandal that helped uncover details that resulted in Nixon’s resignation ...
The Washington Post has been synonymous with crusading liberalism since its work during Watergate, so it’s easy to forget that its position on the political spectrum hasn’t been fixed ...
The Washington Post has been "synonymous with crusading liberalism" since it exposed the Watergate scandal, but its politics were different in the 1930s, when it was owned by the Republican banker ...
The New Yorker's David Remnick joined MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Thursday to discuss the Post and said, "This is a terrible tragedy. This is the paper of the Pentagon Papers and Watergate and so much ...
An emailed message underscores a divide between the chief executive, Will Lewis, and the people who helped build The Post ...
led the Washington Post from 1963 to 1991. During that period, the newspaper evolved from a local outlet to one that wielded influence nationally following the reporting on the Watergate scandal ...