Vogue writer Ranyechi Udemezue shares the habits she learned from her grandmothers and how they inform her wellness routine ...
Liquid Group and Proxtera are likely to benefit as they are already operating in Ghana and Rwanda. Read more at ...
Officials said the termination of aid jeopardizes counter-terrorism efforts and weakens U.S. influence in countries that have ...
In Senegal, a report by the Court of Auditors on the management of public finances under former president Macky Sall could ...
Ghana is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa. The country is rich in history and was the first sub-Saharan ...
Every generation lives in its era and classifies itself as the best the world has ever seen. Until another generation emerges ...
The Trump administration and Israel approached the governments of Sudan and Somalia, and have also been interested in Syria, ...
The Earth has seven continents that were once part of Pangaea, with Asia being the largest, Australia the smallest, and ...