The role was initially played by the late Chadwick Boseman, who debuted in 2016’s ‘Captain America: Civil War. ’ ...
World War V, by Matt Rosenberg and Otto Schmidt, continues the story of a world smashed by a vampire plague. There are shades of DCeased here, but DC vs. Vampires has always been able to hold its own ...
After years of speculation, Marvel is supposedly ready to recast T'Challa in time for Black Panther to appear in Avengers: ...
Doomsday promises surprises with the inclusion of the Fantastic Four and the intriguing Council of Reeds, expanding the MCU ...
T'Challa, aka Black Panther, is rumored to be getting recast in the upcoming Marvel project. The new actor will have big shoes to fill as Chadwick Boseman made this warrior come alive on screen.