The agency says scalpers get the free time slots though the online appointment system using bots and then sell them for a ...
New state records recently released show a Pasadena used car lot is violating the law during dozens of vehicle sales.
Connecticut, one of the few states where open containers of alcoholic beverages are allowed in moving cars, has seen several ...
The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles sent out a press release this week warning about bogus toll road texts.
Longer hours at 10 downstate offices, including two on Long Island, are being held in advance of the May 7 deadline.
Greenwich Police Department are reminding people to lock their cars in the wake of a jump in motor vehicle thefts over last ...
New DMV Director Tonya Laney has decided to stop releasing the records, despite an explicit exemption in state law.
MILWAUKEE - The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) now offers students ages ...
To be eligible, students have to have completed the classroom portion of their training, and the driver training school needs ...
The average license plate, like a muddled Rorschach test, is often an indecipherable jumble of numbers and letters. Granite ...
Officials with the Miami-Dade Tax Collector’s Office said they have uncovered a network of appointment scalpers that are ...
Reports indicate work is beginning on the next Presidential limousine and armored vehicles.