Khadar Vali advocates for abandoning fertilisers and promoting healthy millets, urging farmers and policymakers to make a change.
In Maharashtra Jowar (sorghum), Nachni (finger millet) and Bajri (pearl millet ... is one of the most resilient crops, capable of growing in arid conditions with minimal irrigation.
Anantapur millet mela promotes nutritious food, sustainable agriculture, and climate-resilient crops to improve health and livelihoods.
Speed, precision, and clarity are needed to successfully navigate today’s highly volatile air cargo market: three factors that form the basis of CargoTech’s ...
As the first light of the morning sun breaks over the hills of Konso, Kawadaya Oldisha, 45, begins his daily routine of ...
In the press recently, elders from Bukedi Sub-region sounded a warning over disinterest by young farmers in growing finger millet ... to climate change crisis. Millet thrives in extreme heat and ...
Farmers in Manjolo, Binga District, are growing increasingly anxious as the new pearl millet variety, Okhatshana 1, continues to exhibit abnormal growth ...
Mike Schuppe, along with his family, raises corn and wheat, as well as alfalfa, oats and millet, which are baled ... even with lower-quality hay. The growing conditions of the past year in the ...
The federal government has not reimbursed K-State for about $1 million in expenses related to its work on global food ...
The other trees have many benefits over shea species, like growing faster and being more ... fertility which helps establish healthy soil conditions for indigenous species like shea if they ...