Dental ethics is a specialised branch of dentistry addressing ethical issues in dental practice. However, dental ethics and diversity are thought to be at odds within the practice of dentistry.
‘God knows why these Sanghaalis are so rabidly against C-section!’: spectre of medical coloniality haunts doctor-patient relationship in Guruprasad Kaginele’s Hijab (2020) ...
We report a survey of audience members' responses (147 questionnaires collected at seven performances) and 10 in-depth interviews (five former patients and two family members, three medical ...
This work explores recent industrial action by doctors in the British National Health Service (NHS) through a psychoanalytic lens, exploring psychosocial context and the role of unconscious phantasy.
Following an initiative taken by the Nuffield Trust, an ad hoc steering committee consisting of the authors of this paper was convened under the auspices of the Trust in order to bring about the ...
The present study aims at establishing if anything has been learnt from 140 years of modern architecture when it comes to designing for inpatient mental health and to identifying how architecture can ...
One leitmotif that medical humanities shares with phenomenology and most contemporary medical ethics is emphasising the importance of appreciating the patient as a whole person and not merely as an ...
Essayist Susan Sontag alerted us more than 20 years ago to the way in which clusters of metaphors attach themselves to our discussion of certain diseases, and the influence these metaphors exert on ...
In the process of deciding to undergo cosmetic surgery for aesthetic reasons, people may err in various ways. Adolescents in particular run the risk of making errors, and both parents and surgeons ...
Medicine has been said to be both a science and an art. Many practitioners regard this statement as containing an element of “either/or”. A brief look at what scientists and artists have written about ...
1 Third year medical student, University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi, India 2 Medical Humanities Group, University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi, India 3 Department of Physiology, ...