As governments seek to accelerate the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in policy-making and public services, this policy briefing aims to summarise the lessons for success drawn from more than 30 ...
Commissioning guidance has been published to support systems and providers in delivering accessible, high-quality abortion care. Developed as part of the NHS’s first comprehensive plan to improve ...
NHS England has announced the incoming team who will help lead the organisation’s transition into the Department of Health and Social Care. The team – called the NHS Transformation Executive Team – ...
The Queen’s Institute of Community Nursing (QICN) has launched a new handbook highlighting the vital role of community nurse consultants (CNCs) in shaping the future of healthcare. As senior clinical ...
This report sets out the Care Quality Commission’s activity and findings during 2023/24 from our engagement with people who are subject to the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA) as well as a review of ...
NHS eye care is an important primary care service. Contractual arrangements need not only to be in place but also effectively managed. Primary eye care gives rise to several commissioning and ...