Election-related disinformation is reshaping democracies across Africa. Testing the Fault Lines examines how fake content spread during elections in South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal fuels ...
Distinguished guests of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Three women are being honoured here in Berlin today. Before I say a few words about the situation in Belarus – your home country – I would like to ...
Donald Trump is negotiating with Vladimir Putin over the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine – and is demonstratively ignoring Ukraine’s interests. The consequences of a possible dictated ...
A new European era is about to begin. Since the Second World War, the development of our free, prosperous and peaceful Europe has been guaranteed by the United States. That is now over. While Russia ...
For 30 years, Alexander Lukashenko has governed Belarus with a dictatorial fist and was reinstalled as president in a sham election just this January. The media have been brought into line; many ...
For her, the new Belarus began with the Women’s Revolution in 2020, and continues to this very day. Julia Mickiewicz remembers the inspiration that the beautiful and smart women at the rallies have ...
In the area of renewable energies, Germany is perceived as a pioneer, and the same is also true when it comes to the phase-out of coal and nuclear power. If an economic power house such as Germany ...
Wahlbezogene Desinformationen verändern die Demokratien in Afrika. Diese Studie untersucht, wie gefälschte Inhalte, die in ...
Fürsorge ist die Grundlage allen Lebens, doch in unserer Gesellschaft wird Gesundheit oft als zweitrangig behandelt. Der ...
Auch Georgien spricht der Kreml die Souveränität und territoriale Integrität ab. Doch im Unterschied zur Ukraine handelt die ...
Es geht nicht nur um Geld. Wir können der innovative und kulturelle Magnet der Welt sein. Das ist die Stärke demokratischer ...
Die ersten Wochen der Trump-Präsidentschaft haben die schlimmsten Befürchtungen übertroffen. Mit Adam Tooze analysieren wir, ...