A new study tracked thousands of gay men taking PrEP and DoxyPEP. A new study tracked thousands of gay men taking PrEP and ...
Mark Zuckerberg is clearly thirsty for MAGA’s affection, and he’s courting his perspective far-right lovers in the cringiest ...
"We cannot bury our emotions, we have to let them course through us, share them with each other and we’re going to have to ...
In case you haven’t heard, a whole bunch of states just implemented new laws requiring ID checks for anyone who wants to ...
It’s well-established that LGBTQ+ people are far likelier to engage in non-monogamous relationships than straight people.
“Something that Candace Owens doesn’t get is you can be gay, girl,” he explained. “It’s chill as f*ck. It’s just chill, don’t ...
Disco music originated in the 1960s at underground venues popular with LGBTQ+, Black, and Latinx Americans. But it wasn't ...
I’m not disrespecting anybody or getting my handbag and going, ‘Heaven forbid that people think of this disgusting thing ...
"I never limited myself to what I believed I could play, and I think that’s why the world has not limited me," Domingo says.
"I'm Filipino and I really struggle with dating in the gay community. I feel like I have a strike against me just because of ...
Don Lemon is greatly amused over the MAGA infighting that occurred over the holidays. On Monday, Lemon hosted a live YouTube transmission. Much of Lemon’s talk was about immigration. Specifically, how ...
Winter Kept Us Warm is a 1965 drama film directed by David Secter. It stars John Labow and Henry Tarvainen as Doug and Harris, two students at the University of Toronto that develop an unusually close ...