The 2025 winners were all over the map, portending a wide-open awards season.
At the Golden Globes, the comedian put her roastmaster experience to good use—if you listened closely.
Freedom is a word that turns up with embarrassing frequency in rock-and-roll songs. How we love to free-associate about ...
J ohn A. Macdonald, the first prime minister of Canada, was born in 1815. Some years ago, as the bicentennial of Macdonald’s ...
Kristen is a fan of Still Life, by Sarah Winman, and the sci-fi writer Kim Stanley Robinson, who is a master at imagining ...
T he dinner was to be at Galina’s apartment, in the East 70s. She had been watching a lot of Visconti and wanted to re-create ...
It’s not a magic wand to save America—but neither is it entirely useless.
Each of these titles exercises a different kind of reading muscle, so that you can choose the one that will push you most.
The error of their mythology about 1989 matters because we face another such moment of historical rupture today.
Home thermometers are trash. I bought my noncontact fever gun in 2020, during what was, in retrospect, a fever-screening ...
Many Americans are alone, friendless, isolated, undersexed, sick of online dating, glued to their couches, and transfixed by ...
India is now a testing ground for whether demagoguery or deteriorating living conditions exert a greater sway on voters.