根据财报显示,过去一年间,吉利汽车营业收入首次突破2400亿元,达到2,402亿元,同比大增34%;归母净利润166亿元,同比激增213%,扣非后归母净利润85亿元,同比增长52%。这一成绩不仅远超市场预期,更标志着吉利汽车从“规模扩张”向“高质量增 ...
中国民间商会副会长、浙江吉利控股集团有限公司董事长李书福在政协会议全会发言时,建议支持民营企业加快数字化、绿色化转型。 综合新华网和新浪财经报道,李书福星期五(3月7日 ...
IT之家3 月 10 日消息,吉利银河翼真 L380 陆地空客系列 MPV 正式上市,指导价为 29.99 万元起。作为新增车型,该系列在配置与设计上进行了升级,进一步丰富了吉利银河翼真 L380 的产品矩阵。
The driverless technology from Nissan Motor Corp., which uses 14 cameras, nine radars and six LiDar sensors installed in and around the vehicle, highlights Japan's eagerness to catch up with players ...
The sight of a self-driving Waymo vehicle has become a familiar sight in my daily life, a constant reminder that autonomous technology is no longer a futuristic concept, but a present-day reality.
This move indicates Japan's eagerness to catch up with leading driverless tech innovators like Google's Waymo. The country has not kept pace with the global shift toward autonomous driving ...
两会期间,智能驾驶与人形机器人成为焦点,吉利发布支持L3级自动驾驶的“千里浩瀚”系统,Uber与Waymo合作推出Robotaxi服务,行业加速向高阶智能 ...
Impact Link Move over San Francisco; Austin is the new American robotaxi capital. Waymo made its debut in the city last week. The Google-backed startup is partnering with Uber to offer robotaxis ...