While the 1970s may have ended long ago, it's style and aesthetic continues to serve as the basis for countless modern movies ...
As Christian denominations in Africa join the preparation for ... “Why it was held is because an African cleric like myself raised issues that needed to be addressed concerning the doctrine of the ...
While many actors train extensively, Christian Bale stepped into the ... Since then, Bale has appeared in many acclaimed movies, such as The Dark Knight trilogy, playing Batman, The Fighter, American ...
Most notably, Pew found a huge age gap, with 46% of the youngest American adults identifying as Christian, compared to 80% of the oldest adults. The youngest adults are also three times more ...
Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), the UK-based human rights ... Christian beliefs and for other religious belief or even lack of belief has petitioned the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ ...
As of now, the IFC Center in New York City will begin showing the movie on Feb. 21, while the American Cinematheque in Los Angeles will begin showing the movie on Feb. 23. While LOVE & POP is ...
NEW YORK - Turner Classic Movies has hired its first African American host, naming film academic Jacqueline Stewart host of its silent movie program "Silent Sunday Nights." Stewart is a cinema and ...
"Many local African churches have reached out to Chinese workers, including incorporating Mandarin into services. "A number of Chinese, in turn, have welcomed the sense of community and belonging that ...