A rule regulating the firearm kits was a centerpiece of President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s gun control initiative. The Supreme ...
The administration had tightened regulations on kits that can be easily assembled into nearly untraceable firearms.
The Biden administration sought to tamp down untraceable firearms by regulating popular DIY gun parts kits as weapons.
The U.S. Supreme Court upholds regulations on so-called "ghost guns," weapons made from kits. Two bills in the Florida ...
The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday kept a Biden administration regulation on so-called ghost guns which allowed people to ...
Since the rules were finalized in 2022, ghost gun numbers have flattened out or declined in several major cities.
A gun kit is a gun the same way an unassembled table is still a table, Justice Gorsuch says in delivering the majority ...
The court said that ghost guns, which are virtually untraceable weapons that require assembly, are considered "firearms" and subject to ATF regulation.
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld a federal ban on the sale of parts kits that permit unlicensed gun owners ...