But McGuinness and dozens more, including P.O. Seth Kowsky, have now seen that kind of disaster not once, but twice in the ...
RABAUL, Papua New Guinea – The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Midgett (WMSL 757) recently concluded its second port call in Papua ...
Having suffered the scars of battlefield deployment, members of the military often face a host of new challenges when they ...
Bollinger Shipyards has secured a fixed-price-incentive-firm target contract modification valued at $951.6 million from the U ...
U.S. Coast Guard BM2 Sergio B. Del Cuadro stood stoically before family and fellow crew as the badge was passed from surfman ...
The U.S. Coast Guard responded to a water rescue in Hampton Monday afternoon, according to Petty Officer Christine Bills.
The U.S. Coast Guard is responding to a water rescue in Hampton on Monday afternoon, according to Petty Officer Bills.
The search for the missing Kayaker near Channel Islands Harbor in Oxnard has been called off after he returned for his gear.
An empty kayak found near the entrance of Channel Islands Harbor Sunday night prompted a search for a possible missing person. The Channel Islands Harbor Patrol received a call shortly before 10 p.m.
The 18-foot vessel overturned Friday evening on the St. Johns River. Authorities are searching for for an adult and two ...
The Coast Guard decommissioned Coast Guard Cutter Naushon (WPB 1311) during a ceremony in Homer, Friday. Rear Adm. Megan Dean ...