The Mexican mint marigold, the newest Texas Superstar plant, is a hardy, easy-to-grow herb and popular herbaceous ornamental perennial.
A newly discovered plant found by a national park volunteer in the Texas desert is a small, fuzzy flower that pokes up ...
Help monarch butterflies on their migration by planting native milkweeds and nectar plants like blue curl and zinnia in San ...
I recently went looking for one of the rarest of Texas’s rare plants in what seemed like an odd place: near the middle of ...
If the climate crisis has increased storms in your area, raised beds, rain gardens, and native plants should be your new best friends.
As spring takes hold, gardeners across Wichita are heading to nurseries to prepare their yards for the warmer months. But ...
Spring has arrived in the Concho Valley, and residents are hoping for more rain. Allison Schwarz, a horticulturist from Texas ...
Bob Nicks, president of the Austin Firefighters Association, says Austinites should be “very concerned” about what has taken ...
The utility's WaterSaver Landscape Coupons are now worth $125 each. You can apply for four per year for a maximum possible ...
"Have you been watering it?" Homeowner in fear of HOA reprimand desperate for solutions to neglected yard: 'I'm no ... expert ...
Q: We plant our landscape to maximize its appeal to the many birds that live in or migrate through the area, but it seems ...
It’s going to be much easier to replace annual flowers or a tomato plant. We can grow the same thing again in a one-year period. Whereas, a lot of our trees, especially, but even some of our shrubs, ...