But Hegseth is—for now—the United States secretary of defense, by law the second in the chain of command of the United States ...
By Jenna Ebener A reflection I have been continuing to ponder the meaning of Holy Week. I recently read an ...Read More ...
Chip Sweney serves on the executive leadership team at Perimeter Church, where he has been a pastor for nearly three decades.
Probably every one of us has a friend, coworker or acquaintance who has uttered the following commonplace about ethical ...
To go and proclaim the Gospel, we first need to set down the burden of our history at the feet of the Lord, to consign to him ...
We will remember May 8, 2005, when Denver Police detectives Donnie Young and Jack Bishop were shot by you, Raul Gomez-Garcia.
The witness of scripture, and the witness of my own life, is that God protects us, that he "never leaves us or forsakes us" ...
This makes giving a one-sided affair instead of what it is meant to be—a happiness-producing act of shared, mutual warmth.
Which are the best prayers to show appreciation to someone? Are you looking for a powerful gratitude prayer? Discover how to ...
During Wednesday's episode of In Depth with Graham Bensinger, the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop owner opened up about his difficult ...
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. "May the road rise to meet you" is an Irish blessing that has been passed down through ...
You can find free recordings of binaural beats, like the one below, online. While listening to certain music and sounds might help with concentration for some people, other types can have the ...