Struggling to choose a secondary weapon in Helldivers 2? Check out our ranking of the top sidearms that’ll keep you ready.
Discover the best Predator Strain loadouts in Helldivers 2, featuring top weapons ... Additionally, SEAF Artilleries (Mini Nuke and High-Yield Explosive) are equally effective.
One more update for Helldivers 2 has been pushed out in March 2025 and it brings some big fixes to the popular shooter.
The Illuminate feel like half a faction in Helldivers 2, and players are growing to prefer the bots and bugs instead.
Helldivers 2 players are preparing for a possible return to the infamous Malevelon Creek after the devs announced a major ...
Arrowhead Game Studios has released Helldivers 2 update 1.002.201 today. Check out the fixes that have been made.
Following the new Helldivers 2 update, HD2 players have discovered a secret "massive buff" for one of the game's coolest support weapons.
Helldivers 2 dev has confirmed they plan to fix a range of new issues, including a huge nerf that has made a beloved HD2 ...
Takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love Issues delivered straight to your door or device ...
Helldivers 2 features rootin', tootin' cowboy shootin' thanks to the space western-themed Borderline Justice Warbond ...